Hi ,  I am a Photographer based in Adelaide, South Australia
I have been interested in Photography forever!. When I was a child on the 1950s, I would harass my mother to use her Kodak Box Brownie camera. She used to get annoyed with me because I would use up her precious film on unusual stuff.
In the 1970s I bought a Fujica ST701 SLR which had a wonderful f1.8 prime lens. I learned to develop and print black and white film and I shot a lot of Black and White as well as Colour Slides.
With  the digital revolution I embraced it with a passion and soon found that my output increased tenfold. Having the ability to take several versions of shots and choosing the best one to use appeared to be  a godsend!  However it did tend to make me a little lazy and I would take multiple shots from all points of view without thinking about the best one.
In 2012, I began thinking about retirement from full time work in a few years time and what better retirement activities than travelling and photography!  I decided I needed a little more formal education to sharpen up my skills. So I fronted up at the Centre for Creative Photography (CCP).  I intended to do a few individual modules, mainly to improve my technical and compositional skills. However,things don't always go the way you think they will!.
The first thing that happened was that I re-discovered my love of film! some of the modules required you to use film and I soon realised I really love seeing those images appear in the developer. Then the creativity factor came in with topics such as "Photographic Concepts". I soon found that the more low-tech the equipment, the more creative you tend to be.
In the last 2 years, my Photography has gone in a whole new direction I never thought it would! I have used Plastic Holga film cameras, an old Twin Reflex, phone cameras, scanners, pinhole cameras,as well as my DSLR . My output has tended to be more experimental and theme based.  I have used these as well as some slide projecter lenses and other attachments to make an assortment  of unusual images.

This website is intended to share my recent adventures in making images with you .

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